Artistic Anatomy Exhibtion

Anatomical/Pathological Wax Modelling Demonstration by Eleanor Crook

Artist in Residence, the Gordon Museum of Pathology, King's College London

Eleanor Crook is a sculptor and wax modeller who lives and works between the UK and a number of international medical museum collections. Originally trained in Classics and archaeology she retrained in sculpture at Central St Martins and the Royal Academy Schools in the 90s, where she specialized from the outset in the possibilities of the figure and of anatomy, studying the body from an aesthetic and a medical viewpoint in parallel, working from both the living figure and (as a medical artist) in the dissecting room. She is artist in residence at King’s College’s Gordon Museum of Pathology and at the Vrolik Museum in Amsterdam. Her material specialism is the lifelike and morbid handling of waxes which has led to an interest in bronze which she enjoys as an immortal yet liquid medium. She shares these skills as an art educator for a number of museums and for the Ruskin School of Art in Oxford. Current projects include museum conservation of Ziegler and other historic wax models and a bronze commission for the new Medicine Galleries of London's Science Museum.

Eleanor Crook:
​Gordon Museum:

How to Make a Wax Model ...