Congress Organisation
Roberta Ballestriero (University of the Arts, London, Gordon Museum of Pathology, London)
Vice Presidents:
William Edwards (Gordon Museum of Pathology, Kings College, London)
Eleanor Crook (Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University, Gordon Museum of Pathology)
Organising Committee:
Francesco Maria Galassi (Institut für Evolutionäre Medizin, Universität Zürich)
Francis Wells (Papworth Hospital, Cambridge)
Pascale Pollier (AEIMS President - European Medical Artists Association, London)

Organising Committee:
Francesco Maria Galassi (Institut für Evolutionäre Medizin, Universität Zürich)
Francis Wells (Papworth Hospital, Cambridge)
Pascale Pollier (AEIMS President - European Medical Artists Association, London)
Scientific Committee:
Alessandro Riva (MD, Emeritus Professor of Anatomy. Founder of the Museum of Clemente Susini's Anatomical Waxes, Professor of History of Medicine, University of Cagliary, Italy).
Susan Standring (Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, King's College London).
Gillian Morriss-Kay (Emeritus Professor of Developmental Anatomy, University of Oxford).
Alessandro Ruggeri (MD, emeritus Professor of Anatomy. Former Scientific director of the Luigi Cattaneo Museum of Anatomical Waxes, DIBINEM, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy).
Gabriella Nesi (MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology, Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine, Division of Pathological Anatomy, University of Florence)
William Edwards (Curator- Gordon Museum of Pathology, Senior Tutor, Deputy Director EMDP, Kings College, London).
Roberta Ballestriero (PhD, AL, MA Art & Science, Central Saint Martins College, University of the Arts, London. Art Historian in residence, Gordon Museum of Pathology, King's College London).
Francis Wells (Consultant Cardio-thoracic surgeon to Papworth and Addenbrookes NHS Foundation trusts. Associate Lecturer in Surgery, Cambridge University).
Francesco M. Galassi (MD, Assistent and Principal Investigator, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland).
Fausto Barbagli (ANMS President National Association Scientific Museums, Italy. Museum of Natural History, University of Florence, Zoology Section "La Specola").
Eleanor Crook (Sculptor and artist in residence, Gordon Museum, Guy's Hospital London. Lecturer, Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University).
Sharon Hecker (PhD, Independent Art Historian and Curator, Milan).
Senior Scientific Consultant and General Coordinator for North America:
Kevin Petti (San Diego Miramar College, USA)
Webmaster, Photographer, Graphic Design:
Owen Burke (London)